This leads to excessive urination and dehydration, which may cause a headache after a small amount of alcohol. Keep reading to learn more about the connection between migraine and alcohol. If you have persistent vomiting, lightheadedness, confusion, seizures, trouble breathing, and dulled responses (among other symptoms), seek immediate medical attention — as these may be signs of alcohol poisoning.

Worn on the forehead, CEFALY Sober Houses Rules That You Should Follow uses precise electrical impulses to stimulate and desensitize the trigeminal nerve. Doing so can help provide relief from migraine pain and reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Having another drink may temporarily curb withdrawal symptoms and make you feel better.

Why does alcohol trigger migraine attacks?

In addition to red wine, other alcoholic beverages, including beer, white wine, and liqueur, have also been reported as headache triggers. Histamine, tannins, tyramine, flavonoid phenols, sulfites, and phenylethylamine are all found within alcoholic beverages and this also includes beer. Tyramine is a substance that can trigger headaches or migraines in certain people. Before, during and after drinking alcohol, ensure you hydrate with plenty of water. This simple yet effective step can help mitigate the risk of migraine attacks.

You could get a headache within 30 minutes to 3 hours of drinking. Some people only sip a glass or two of wine before their head starts to throb. You might have heard that red wine is most likely to cause problems.

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why does alcohol cause migraines

Tannins are another compound that can cause problems for people with migraine. They’re found in both red and white wine, but they’re more concentrated in reds. Tannins give wine its astringent taste, and they can also contribute to headaches. Tannins can be found in other drinks including, tea, coffee and chocolate.

  • While some research shows that the correlation between migraines and and headaches might be weaker than once stated, roughly 30% of people who experience migraines report alcohol as a trigger.
  • What people shouldn’t be doing is justifying their drinking because it’s supposed to be healthy, says Luis Seija, an internist and pediatrician at the University of Pennsylvania.
  • Alcohol has long been considered a “social lubricant” because drinking may encourage social interaction.
  • If you have chronic headaches, identifying and avoiding your triggers can substantially improve your quality of life.
  • Identifying and avoiding trigger ingredients can help reduce the likelihood of experiencing alcohol-related headaches.

From the way alcohol affects blood vessels to its impact on dehydration and the production of certain chemicals in the brain, there are multiple angles to consider. By unraveling these mysteries, we can gain valuable insights into how to prevent or minimize alcohol-induced headaches and make those nights out a little more enjoyable. Seven articles used International Headache Society (IHS) criteria from 1988 46, 47, 50, 51, 56, 59, 60. The alcohol in the blood increases more quickly with liquor than with beer. For example, if a person drinks liquor before beer, they are likely to feel the effects of the alcohol sooner.

If you know a migraine is likely to come on and plan to drink anyway, triptans can help. Of course, like all medications, they have their own side effects. Also, follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding alcohol consumption. So it’s best to make alcohol the single, isolated factor and journal what triggers each migraine.

Q: How can I reduce the likelihood of getting headaches after drinking alcohol?

You might have tried some alternative therapies, but did you know about these complementary and integrative treatments? For more information on alternative migraine treatments, visit our Resource Library. Consider joining our Move Against Migraine support group on Facebook so you can connect with others who live with migraine. Start your search with these complementary and integrative therapies. Then, consider exploring more treatment options with our other free resources.

Does alcohol trigger a headache?

Even a modest amount of alcohol can cause people with migraine to develop a delayed headache or trigger an attack. In a 2007 study, Austrian researchers examined a number of factors related to migraine, specifically considering consumption of alcohol and other nutritional factors the day before the onset of a headache. They found limited importance of nutrition, including alcohol intake, in the triggering of migraine. Without a consistent cause-and-effect situation, though, it could be a number of factors — not just alcohol — that are triggering your migraine headache. If you do notice a pattern, especially with particular types of alcohol over others, you may choose to avoid the offending drinks. Many people have experienced a headache after drinking alcohol — especially after drinking too much.

Headaches are one of the most common neurological symptoms related to the sensation of pain 1 and cause a decrease in patients’ quality of life 2. Their global prevalence is estimated at 52% of the population 3. People who get hangovers that trigger a migraine may also wish to avoid alcohol with high levels of congeners. These are substances that the alcohol manufacturing process produces.

Best and Worst Types of Alcohol for People With Migraine

Migraine typically begins slowly and may increase in severity if left untreated. They involve throbbing pain that generally occurs on one side of the head. As a result, a female’s blood alcohol concentration tends to be higher, making it more likely for females to experience headaches and hangovers.

These limitations make it hard to know how much to rely on studies that find health risks (or benefits) to alcohol consumption. Limit your alcohol consumption to moderate levels, sticking to recommended guidelines. For men, this means no more than two drinks per day, and for women, it’s one drink per day. Experiencing migraine attacks can be overwhelming, and you’d want to prevent it as much as possible.

Bourbon, whiskey or red wine

  • These congeners tend to affect how people feel the next day, including contributing to increased levels of hangover symptoms.
  • They found limited importance of nutrition, including alcohol intake, in the triggering of migraine.
  • If none of the preventative measures above work or you didn’t know alcohol triggered migraines until after the fact, there are still options available to you.
  • The alcohols more likely to trigger a migraine attack are dark liquors like bourbon, whiskey or red wine.
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Some studies have reported that alcohol can trigger a migraine headache in people who are sensitive to it in as little as 30 minutes — or it could take 3 hours. Another thing that remains unclear is whether the type of alcohol you drink determines whether or not you will get a migraine headache. Some studies found that red wine is a main trigger in migraine with aura and cluster type migraine, but they also note that all alcohol could have the same effect. On the other hand, drinking in moderation (about one drink per day for women and two for men, respectively) poses a small risk for the average person, Rimm says. There are many possible triggers for migraine attacks, including stress, bright lights, loud noises, weather changes, certain foods and drinks, and changes in sleep or hormone patterns to name a few. If you’re prone to alcohol-related headaches, try switching to white wine or clear spirits like vodka or gin in moderate amounts.